Last year, when the song “Blurred Lines” blasted over the airways, no one, including the recording artists (at least they claimed) realized that lines had been blurred between the popular hit song and a song titled “Got to Give It Up” written by music sensation Marvin Gaye. However, as determined by a jury earlier this year, recording artists Robin Thicke, Pharrell Williams, and T.I. did in fact blur the lines when they produced their hit single without securing the legal rights to the song.
Interestingly, in 2014, Nevada experienced its own form of blurred lines relative to the anticipated approval and operation of medical marijuana establishments and gaming. By way of background, Nevada legalized gaming in 1931 and since that time its success has been largely attributable to the regulatory oversight of the industry, coupled with the obligation to ensure that gaming is free of criminal elements. NRS 463.0129. The policy that the Nevada gaming industry remain free from criminal elements isn’t limited to those individuals included in Nevada’s Black Book or to applicants with transgressions in their background, but instead it contemplates gaming licensees operating lawfully – meaning that they will not engage in business practices that are contrary to state and/or federal law. NRS 463.1405, NRS 463.151, 463.170 and 463.200.
Read complete article here – Blurred Lines or Bright Line between Gaming and Medical Marijuana