
Congrats to Atlantic City Electric (ACE): Energy Discounts for Growing Enterprises Announced

by Ken Calemmo

CONGRATS to Atlantic City Electric (ACE) – who recently announced a new business incentive directed at reducing your electric utility costs.  The ENERGY DISCOUNTS FOR GROWING ENTERPRISES or EDGE provides a 20% discount off the electric delivery portion of the rate for five years to industrial or commercial business enterprises who are expanding or relocating their space.  Of course this incentive must be in the ACE service territory and does require the purchase, leasing or expansion of 8,000 sq. ft. or more of new space.  You will find full details at the ACE Website

Depending on the business operations of your company this incentive can have a sizable impact.  We are all looking for the added EDGE (I love that acronym) and while this might not be a determining factor for an organization to move into our community, when you team it up with other incentive programs, it will give the City another tool in the tool box to attract business.

I applaud ACE for their commitment to economic development and thinking outside the box to institute this program for business.  Working together will continue to be a theme that must be echoed long and loud – Thanks ACE!!!

Get an EDGE on your business and KEEP MOVING FORWARD.