Consumer Bankruptcy

The Consumer Bankruptcy Practice Group at Cooper Levenson provides clients with practical and cost-effective solutions to issues related to distressed financial situations, bankruptcy, and debt restructuring. We work with clients to understand your specific situation and create a strategy to meet your goals, in an attempt to obtain the greatest monetary value and benefits for your situation.

Put a halt to creditor calls and harassment. Our attorneys get immediately involved in every aspect of the financial workout and/or bankruptcy process to ensure you receive the peace of mind that you deserve.

The tough economy has been overwhelming to many consumers and they are filing for consumer bankruptcy in increasing numbers. What once was a stigmatized move is now viewed as an opportunity to clear the slate and get help with a fresh start financially. Personal bankruptcy is the best financial answer in many individual’s cases.

Our specific services include bankruptcy transactions and litigation. For all of our clients, we focus on your objectives, working closely with our client to develop plans and processes to mitigate risks and help you move forward in the most suited way for your individual case.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code to get the financial relief that they deserve.

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