
Cooper Levenson Supports Local Heath Care Providers

In addition to donating to the Covid-19 emergency fundraising efforts of our area healthcare providers,  AtlantiCare and Shore Medical Center, Cooper Levenson team members showed their support in a personal way as well – by creating thank you and shout out messages from home to salute our healthcare workers.

“AtlantiCare and Shore Medical Center have continuously shown their commitment to the community in innumerable ways. We are grateful to be able to support them as they continue to answer the call to serve our very special community,” said Kenneth J. Calemmo, Jr., Chief Operating Officer of Cooper Levenson, Attorneys at Law. “We are all in this together,” he added.

 Click here to see our video.

Michael (2 yrs.) and Ella (4 yrs.) Britton, help their dad, Justin A. Britton, Esq. of Cooper Levenson show support for healthcare workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Leo (5 yrs.) and Capriana Pantilione (3 yrs.), grandchildren of Robert E. Salad, Esq., President, Cooper Levenson share their decorated thank you signs for first responders and healthcare workers serving in the front line of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Henry Calemmo, 20 months old, grandson of Kenneth J. Calemmo, Jr., Chief Operating Officer, Cooper Levenson, poses with a rainbow to join in thanking our healthcare workers in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.