Nicholas F. Talvacchia


Phone: 609-572-7544

Cell Phone: 609-412-8051

Fax: 609-572-7545


Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey

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Nick Talvacchia, a partner in Cooper Levenson, P.A., serves as Chair of the firm’s Land Use practice group. 

He concentrates his practice in land use, real estate development, environmental and economic incentive matters.

He works with developers, regulators, healthcare institutions, casinos, hotel operators, and boards of education, among others, providing guidance in obtaining developmental approvals and incentives for a wide variety of projects.

He is admitted to practice law in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.


Nick represents national and local companies and individuals in obtaining local zoning and State environmental approvals for residential, casino, hotel, retail, restaurant, healthcare and telecommunications projects throughout New Jersey.

Some projects for which he has obtained approvals include:

Nick assists his clients in obtaining redevelopment approvals and tax incentives. 

He negotiates agreements for redevelopment projects with the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (EDA), the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority (CRDA) and local governments for redevelopment agreements and property tax incentive agreements.

He has obtained funding for his clients and a multitude of substantial tax incentives for development projects. 

Some of his approvals include: 


 Rutgers College (B.A.), Rutgers University (M.B.A.), and Rutgers University School of Law – Camden (J.D. with Honors).


 Named to the 2022 Real Estate Industry ROI-NJ Influencers list.




Nicholas F. Talvacchia on ERGGs (Economic Redevelopment Growth Grants)

Nicholas Talvacchia speaks at the Future of AC Conference – view video here