
Group Donates 2,000 Soccer Balls to Haitian Youth

By DEVIN LORING, Staff Writer The Press of Atlantic City For Reverend Yvans Jazon, of St. Monica’s Roman Catholic Church, 108 North Pennsylvania Ave., Atlantic City, an upcoming trip to his native country of Haiti is not fraught with the logistics of what to pack. His main concern is how to get 2,000 soccer balls onto his Delta Airline flight. “It’s the third time that we’re going to Haiti, and this time takes it to another level,” Jazon said. “Each time when we go, we try to reach a different category of people, and this time we’re trying to reach the youth.”
Jazon frequently returns to Haiti with Hand-to-Hand Mission, a group of volunteers that do service projects to benefit Haitian communities. This time, Jazon is taking the group to his original hometown, Tavette. This year’s project is huge, but it begins with the simple pleasure a soccer ball can bring a child.

“Our main goal is to build an educational center there for the young people to study and do research, because they don’t have a place to do that,” Jazon said. “That’s the main goal, but we start with the soccer.”….
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Contact Devin Loring:609-463-6713