
Issues For Couples Ending Same-Sex Relationships

By Cynthia N. Grob, Esq.

Child custody and child support laws apply to all parents.

Many same-sex couples with children often confront issues involving adopted children or children who are the biological offspring of only one partner.

In some situations, a same-sex partner is not a child’s biological or adoptive parent but has been the child’s parent in a family relationship and may have parental rights and responsibilities as a psychological parent.


For partners divorcing or ending a civil union, rules governing the equitable distribution of marital property and alimony/spousal support are the same.

As in any divorce, the terms of a valid pre-civil union or prenuptial may impact the issue.

Similarly, domestic partners often enter into cohabitation agreements that may impact property rights or partner support.

Cooper Levenson is a full-service law firm established in 1957. Cynthia N. Grob, Esq., a partner with nearly 20 years of experience in family law, can be reached at or by calling 856-857-5538.