Topics include Employee Misclassification, Medicaid Eligibility, Forensic Accounting and Divorcing Clients, Mergers & Acquisitions, Latest Developments in Federal and State Income and Estate Taxation
Tax attorneys from the Florida and New Jersey offices of Cooper Levenson will present a virtual“Breakfast Briefing” on Wednesday Sept. 21, 2022 at the Atlantic City Country Club, Northfield, NJ. Speakers will include Robert E. Salad, Russell L. Lichtenstein, Jarad K. Stiles, Cynthia N. Grob, and Oscar de la Guardia. The session will cover the following topics:
Employee Misclassification – Lessons Learned the Hard Way: Russell L. Lichtenstein, Esq.
Medicaid Eligibility & Planning Essentials for CPAs and their Clients: Jarad K. Stiles, Esq., LL.M.
Business Insurance Matters in a Pandemic: What CPAs Need to Know: Louis Niedelman, Esq.
Forensic Accounting Essentials for CPAs and Divorcing Clients: Cynthia N. Grob, Esq.
An Accountant’s Step-by-Step Guide to Mergers & Acquisitions: Oscar de la Guardia, Esq.
Latest Developments in Federal and State Income Taxation: Robert E. Salad, Esq., LL.M.